Monday, February 13, 2012

Days 14&15: The other bedroom gets painted and the bathroom gets sealed.

It was a lot harder picking the paint colour for the Sweetheart's room.  The colour used in the Poppet's room, Sweetcorn, was too bright when trialled in the other room.  The Sweetheart decided that she would prefer one of her favourite colours, and since we were not having a pink or purple room it became green.  It became quite hard to find a green that wasn't too cold feeling, or too yellowy or just too dark.  We went with Resene Conifer.  It reminds me of an apple green, although it is a lot darker than a granny smith apple.  It is about as warm as a green will get and hasn't darkened or brightened the room too much.

As part of the negotiations around the tone of green we agreed to get some sparkly pink/ purple paint to coat her old bookshelves.  This paint is a real pain to use.  Even with a basecoat it tends to separate and need multiple coats.

This time my husband was home to help.  It seems amazing that we have reached the ages we are without having actually painted a room before, so I passed on my small amount of knowledge from the store handouts.  Taping took a lot longer because there were more windows and my husband is a lot more fussy about this kind of thing than I am (I didn't bother taping the top skirting board in the Sweetheart's room because I'm going to paint it).

The children were not so keen to be fobbed off with food, although I did try.  In the end we took turns painting and childminding.  We were way too tired to attack the bathroom that night.

The next morning we had to prep the bathroom for plastering.  I thought that this would be very simple but it took my husband nearly two hours to sand, remove wallpaper adhesive and pick off bits of old plaster.  It then took a further hour to paint the bathroom - it is a very fiddly room.  The oil based paint we were asked to use stinks.  The whole house reeks.  The second coat only added to the smell.

The bathroom is looking very sad.  It is empty, and floor is a sticky mess of wallpaper adhesive, splots of paint and chips of plaster.  I wonder if I will ever see the lino again!

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